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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another year of ignoring resolutions

Every year I start with the best intentions. I make resolutions and fail to mee them. This year is no different but I think I've identified why I don't keep them - they are for the most part too vague. This year's goals:
  • Clean the house more often
  • Drink less
  • Exercise more
  • Eat Better
  • Lose Weight
    See what I mean about vague. It's no wonder, I fail. So let's tighten things up.
  • Clean the house more often weekly
  • Drink less Cut drinking in half by end of January
  • Exercise more Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Eat Better Plan meals out each week and keep a food journal
  • Lose Weight Get down to the high end of my ideal weight for my height and age by doing the above in time for my birthday
    I'm hopefully off to a promising start by going on the tradition NYD walk in the state park.
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