Where I shamelessly steal from other people and rant about stuff most other people (including friends) don't care about. By steal, I mean link to posts by people that are much smarter or at least more articulate and funnier than I am
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Call me crazy
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Facebook and Friends
In any case, I also wouldn't unfriend but would hide (which doesn't seem to be an option anymore) posts from those it was a mistake to friend.
I had two friends who were more work friends than "lets hang out and get loaded" friends. Both of them are republicans and Romney supporters. Being the opposite, I would respond to what I felt was bullshit strongly. I realized that they felt I was coming on too strong and toned back my posts and responses in the interest of keeping the friendship. However, one of them was full on birther and was constantly posting "Obummer" crap. I really was torn about what to do and was looking at the old option to just hide posts when I realized that the other person no longer showed up on my friend list.
Wow, thanks Facebook for the ability to do non-confrontational unfriends.
Bottom line - I just don't want to deal with people who aren't family with whacka-a-doodle/hateful opinions in my life.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
I just watched the trailer for "that Movie"
Saturday, September 8, 2012
A major decison
I actually unfriended someone whom I used to consider a friend. She was very anti the current President. That's fine, she can have her opinions. However, the level of virtiol was astounding. I though GWB was an asshole but I didn't disrespect the office. That wasn't the case in this person's case. It turns also out she is a birther. I just can't identify with someone who believes that or don't even want to associate with that kind of person
I routinely have lunch with this person and another friend and I had to send an email letting the third party know that i thought there would be an issue. That other person,who didn't know the entire story, was trying to mediate. I just sent that person an email that I though it was too late and that I didn't want to associate with a person who disrepected the office of the president and even more I don't want to associate with a birther. Broke my heart. Monday will see that person's response.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I really don't understand...
It seems to me that those people who are so freaked out know that their preferences don't conform to what their religion, society, etc., tell them is acceptable. They assume everyone else has that much angst and are seeking to keep others from being their true selves because they (angsted out ones) can't handle it in their own lives.
I know, others have expressed this better than I.
Dear Friends from Missouri - do you really want this guy representing you?
Monday, May 21, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I'm watching a fictional depiction of Flight 93
Size does matter
Nothing going on, she just used to work with a very non-pc (and fun) crowd. Anyway, I of course showed it to a number of also non-pc women who, I think, found it just as funny as I did.
I bring it home and try to insert it into the wine bottle open at the time and IT DID NOT FIT. It was TOO THICK. I found this very funny so I emailed said women (including the gifter).
As of now the only one who responded said "Use as decoration maybe that is what it is intended for". Now I don't know if she was being literal or not (which has it's own comic implications).
I can't decide which is funnier - that it was too thick for the opening or that it is a decoration.
Update - More from the same person - "I think it is wine decoration and it's totally hysterically cute! Put it in the middle of a cheese plate at least it will make good conversation". I laughed so hard, I felt I was going to cough up a lung.
Further update - it is too small for the latest wine bottle.
My sister's birthday IS coming up
Sunday, April 15, 2012
My ICON shoe addition is out of control - Updated
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I have a new obsession
Girl with Pearl Earring Shoes
A Renoir inspired Wallet and
Gustav Klimpt sneakers
Thursday, March 1, 2012
This shit really pisses me off
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Just had my (otherwise crappy) day made better
For a fee, you can sponsor a book/movie/tv show for them to review. For books they use audio books available from Audible.com
I read the first book in the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton and knew it was a worthy candidate. Being a cheap person, I didn't want to pay for the first book (over 15 hours) so I looked for one that was under (and therefore cheaper).
Today, they put up the podcast - so here for your listening pleasure is book two of the Merry Gentry series A Caress of Twilight
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I got your transvaginal probe right here
I've had the procedure twice and it involves sticking a long probe into your cervix. I got to insert it myself, lucky me. Mine were medically necessary. What does penetration with an object without consent sound like to you? Yeah, the same as it sounds to me. And that new bullshit meme about "well, they didn't object to transvaginal insertion when they got themselves in this situation" is totally abhorrent. Having sex is my decision, in this case having something shoved into my vagina against my will is not.
I can't help but wonder if the religious right will be so understanding of Docs who refuse to perform this due to ethical reservations like they do pharmacists who won't supply birth control.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Broken foot
Update: Tres Chic
Monday, February 6, 2012
Super Bowl commercials
Of course the cat burying dog doritos comercial was pretty good -
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Intercourse you Susan B. Komen
Yet...he was a Rick Santorum supporter - granted this was when he still lived in PA around 2003 or so - because Santorum opposed abortion. Never mind that Santorum thought that my Bro, as a gay man, was not deserving of the same civil rights as everyone else. My Bro before his debut was an evangelical christian and while he has left some of that life behind, he is definitely anti-choice.
In any case, he posted on facebook in support of Susan B Komen's decision to not provide cancer screening to Planned Parenthood. This prompted my reaction:
Okay all you people applauding the decision by Susan B. Komen to stop funding BREAST cancer screening via Planned Parenthood. You are willing to risk harm to thousands of people because access to a LEGAL medical procedure offends your "religious" sensibilities. New flash - not all Americans share your views.
What really gets my goat about this is that our mother died from complications from breast cancer and to deny other women that fate because of his obsession with abortion really pisses me off
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Goodbye Tess
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I've had an incredibly crappy week
Saturday, January 14, 2012
On mental illness
Things went on for a few years, I was better but things weren't quite right. I was finally correctly diagnosed when I went in and started speaking a mile a minute while bouncing my leg. It turns out I have a form of bi-polar disorder. I don't have the "Hi, I'm in Hawaii" spur of the moment manic episodes or the curled in a ball in the corner bouts of depression but it is enough to lead me to poor choices (manic) or bouts of uncertainty.
Still I am on a good mix of meds now and I am more able to go with life's curveballs than I ever was. However, in darker moments, I wonder how my life would have been different had I been diagnosed much earlier in life. The bi-polar feed greatly into my self esteem. Would I have not made such bad choices in men or at least recognized that I couldn't help them much earlier than I did?
I wish I could say it was water under the bridge but there is much I have missed out on in life and I still have the tendency to not let things go that are better left in the past.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Identity/confidence Issues and a Who fan
Friday, January 6, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
My Little Pony name
My Pegasus Pony: Sunny Chaser
My Unicorn pony: Fairy Darling
Take My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Double rainbow - What does it mean
My first thoughts on seeing this were of this:
He seems to be enjoying the rainbow a bit too much before the drug crash happens.
Another year of ignoring resolutions
See what I mean about vague. It's no wonder, I fail. So let's tighten things up.
I'm hopefully off to a promising start by going on the tradition NYD walk in the state park.